

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

I love August!!

Why do I love August? Because my kids are home!! I miss them so much in the summer! We spent the weekend at World's of Fun and had a blast!! I am pretty sure we were more tired than the boys! I love being a mom, my kids are my world. I look forward to watching them become young men and developing their own unique personalities.

 I am also excited because my customer's are having great results!! Check out the results from one of my customers!! She looks amazing, plus she's a mommy!!  I must say a big thank you to her for letting me use her photos!

My own personal results!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

All lives matter!

     Today I have decided not to post about my It Works business. My heart is heavy with the way our country is going. There is so much hate and anger in the world.
     I don't understand why this is happening? For years there have been so many fights, and wars based on the differences of humans. These differences range from religious choices to the color of our skin. I can go back at least a 200 years with examples. We have the Native Americans who were forced off of their land,  the Civil War and the fight against slavery, WWII and Hitler and  his opinion of the Jewish people, the Japanese Americans who were citizens of the United States and forced into camps, and so many other examples. 

     What have we learned from our past? Apparently nothing. We are still trying to pick one religion that is better than the other. Why can't we be ok with just letting everyone having their own beliefs? None of us really know who or what God is, isn't it enough that we have something to believe in. To pray to when times are hard. Be it Buddha, a sun god, Jehovah, or the Virgin Mary, this is something that gives us hope.
     Now the focus is on skin color. Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, or whatever your heritage, the color of your skin does not define which race is better than the other. It is great to have pride in your heritage, to celebrate what makes you who you are! But underneath that skin we all are made up of the same thing, we all bleed red.
     Why are we all of the sudden hating cops and shooting everyone? What is this solving? I am not saying that a few all cops are good, there are enough reports in history that prove this. But to the person who refused to set next to a cop at a restaurant, what if that is the cop that is called to your home in an emergency? To the surgeon who had to put aside his prejudice to operate on victims, shame on you! You took an oath as a doctor to save lives and it doesn't matter who it is. That is the job you chose. I am so sad that people are acting like this.
     I wish history would stop repeating itself and that people would see the negative message we are sending our kids, the world we are leaving our kids. From one of the greatest speeches ---Martin Luther King Jr.

"I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.”
 will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today. This is our hope. "
"And if America is to be a great nation this must become true....
And when this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, “Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!”

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Sunday..let's make it about family!!

     Happy Sunday, I hope this day finds you full of blessings! Sunday used to be the day of rest, a day to give rejoice to God, and a day to unwind with friends and family. Now it is like every other day in many households! I do not go to church very often but I do take a few moments each day to read a quick verse and say a prayer. Also during football season Sunday is spent watching NFL games, Saturdays are devoted to my college teams! Go K-state...I may be in Iowa but I am a Wildcat by heart! We our a house divided team--I love the Packers and can you believe it I fell in love with a Vikings fan! Never a dull moment in our house during these games!!

     Now that I am off track and apparently ready for football season-I wanted to take a few minutes to discuss why we should take care of ourselves! I am a mom and I spend around 90% of my day focusing on my family, I spend another 9-10 hours a day at work, and then maybe 1-2 hours a day on my It Works business. That doesn't leave me enough time to do the things I love to do, but time to do the things I have to do. I love my family, and both of my jobs, in fact I wouldn't change a thing. We do though all need time to unwind! This goes for men, women, and children. Spend some time doing things you love, reading a book, walking, fishing, taking the family to the beach or lake. This is so important in the world we live in. To unplug from the internet, and our phones, and really focus on our families.

     I also believe in spa days, we also have pajama days! No, this isn't just for women! I found an article this morning that really describes this well! Visit http://rhagan.itworks.com/or send me a message for more information about facials and skin care products.

Read the article here-- http://beautysouthafrica.com/healthy-living/why-you-should-pamper-yourself

"Do you take as much care of yourself as you do of others? If you don’t, you could be heading for burn-out. Chances are, at the very least, you’re not experiencing much abundance and joy in your life.
So why is it so hard to pamper ourselves? Do we think of pampering as indulgent, selfish, or narcissistic? Do we feel guilty because it’s a ‘luxury’? Many of us, consciously or subconsciously, believe it’s a waste of time and money, that we should be doing something useful instead, that being stressed is ‘normal’, or – most insidious of all – that we somehow don’t quite deserve to be pampered.
Yet taking proper care of ourselves is essential for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. The better we feel, the more we’re able to engage fully with our lives and the richer our relationships with other people become. A good pampering session can balance us from the inside out, refreshing, relaxing and rejuvenating us, making us happier and saner, all of which we’ll carry with us into our dealings with the wider world.
The demands of our fast-paced lives take a toll on our bodies in many ways. Stress increases the risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, gastrointestinal disorders, and cancer. When we’re stressed we don’t sleep well, we don’t eat sensibly, and we certainly don’t take the time to stop and smell the roses. We begin to feel exhausted, discouraged, bored, resentful and frustrated. Our relationships suffer, creativity dries up, productivity falls, and quality of life becomes a distant memory. We need all our energy just to get through the day, we have little left to give to anyone else, and taking care of ourselves comes last on the list."

Saturday, July 9, 2016

A Christian Prayer to end gun violence - PICO National Network

     My heart is heavy for the continued violence that has been affecting our country. This prayer is wonderful and I wanted to share it with my readers-it is a bit behind the current situations but it has a very powerful message .

"Merciful Lord, we come to you heavy hearted, for we have heard the cries of the slain calling to us from the ground. We come remembering all the lives lost to the weapons of war that have flooded our communities. We come reminded of the many bodies locked in jails and prisons all across this country.  And we ask for your mercy.
Although we find ourselves in a broken world – a world in which hurting people hurt other people, it is no mystery that you are a God capable of healing our world through justice and fairness.  Your own revelation has shown us that you stand firmly with those people whose backs are against the wall. Your own life demonstrates how you came from heaven to earth to redeem creation, our communities and our own lives. So we ask for this same redemptive power to be unleashed among us as it was on the day of Pentecost. May we be empowered by your Spirit to reverse the conditions that produce young men and women who are driven to resort to violence and destructive behavior in their fight to stay alive and struggle to remain free."

A Christian Prayer to end gun violence - PICO National Network

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


      I hope you had a wonderful Wednesday! It was definitely an interesting day! I always love ending the day visiting with my boys and my love. As much as I love my alone time, I must say I miss having everyone home. Not seeing my kids for the summer is hard, I miss them so very much! This is partly why I decided to start selling It Works! It keeps me busy and provides some extra spending money ( who doesn't love a that)!
     As hard as this is to type, last summer was a rough one! It was my first summer without my kids and I worked all week, while my boyfriend worked nights every weekend. I was sad, lonely and angry. It took me having a huge life change to realize I had to change. Have you ever felt like you were so angry and you know it's wrong, but you can't stop? That was me a year ago. I never want to feel that way again!  Does it make me a weaker person- no. I had to admit to myself I needed to change and like all things you really have to want it! I now take Zoloft everyday and I don't feel ashamed. I spent many years feeling that way off and on, and now I can rationalize without getting upset.
     Fast forward to now and life has changed 100%. I had to fix my internal me before I could focus on my external self. We always find flaws with ourselves when we look in the mirror or wish we looked different in pictures. I know I am not the only one. I am woke up every morning with a " good morning beautiful". Do I feel that way? He makes me feel loved but I see 100 things I wish I could change every time I look in the mirror.  So in addition to losing weight I am going to work on feeling more beautiful!

From http://www.wikihow.com/Feel-Beautiful---- read more at this link! Great advice!
The greatest beauty tip of all is knowing that you are already beautiful as you are! Sometimes, though, it's hard to acknowledge your own beauty when you just don't feel beautiful. Here are some things you can do to remind yourself that you're already beautiful and that everyone is beautiful in some way or another. I love this!!

Journal about your positive attributes.[1] Start a gratitude journal that highlights your appreciation for what you love about yourself the most. By staying grounded in your good qualities, both your inner and outer beauty, you will keep these things more present in your mind. This way, each time you have a moment of self-doubt or face an rude remark from someone else, the things you cherish most about yourself will be ready at hand.

Take a look at your relationships. If you have steady doses of fondness and acceptance, you will always be able to see yourself in the positive light that your loved ones do. Similarly, if you spend lots of time with overly harsh or judgmental people, you will learn to view yourself according to their rigid, critical standards. If you are filled with the notion that you are unattractive or unworthy, question whether or not someone in your life bolsters this idea.[3]
  • Make sure that you have a good support system of friends and loved ones. There’s nothing more effective than social support to make you feel strong, capable, and beautiful.
Get active. In addition to benefits like weight loss, exercise has also been linked to fewer depressive symptoms and a lowered risk of heart disease.[8] This means that keeping a regular exercise routine will keep you feeling uplifted, energized, and secure in your good health. If you find it difficult to find the motivation to begin, try starting small by adding brisk walks to your week. Then, you can gradually increase the amount of cardiovascular or strength training exercise to the degree that your lifestyle permits.
  • Try to exercise in ways that increase your flexibility. This way you will learn to see your body as something that is always evolving and changing.
So here is my challenge----I want each one of you to post one thing about yourself in the comments that you find beautiful about yourself! Let's get positive!

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Fitness Walking!

     Good morning!! I wanted to bring up some helpful tips about walking. I originally started out just going for a nice walk every day. The past 2 weeks I have started kicking up my pace. Let me tell you, I can tell a difference! My legs feel the burn by the end, and trying to hold your abdomen in the correct position is definitely a challenge! These are two great sites with tons of fitness advice. I also love Map My Walk! You can do this!


"The hurry-up pace will be the one that demands more oxygen to working muscles, and that’s how fitness walking gets you big results.
Here’s my most important tip for walkers. It’s not the foot strike. It’s not the arm swing. It’s the “belly-button-to-spine” action that will make the walk more effective, protect your back, and get your abs in on the action. I call it a “tummy tuck.” Draw the belly button toward the spine. That deep layer of muscle is key to supporting your back. It stabilizes the middle of the body so that the legs can move with much more power."

Friday, July 1, 2016

Some Recipes!!

     I love to eat, I really do! Do I make some better choices now,? Absolutely! I also love Pintrest---it's so addicting! I have so many projects and recipes I want to try. I may have to walk an additional  10 miles if I ever find enough time to make them!

“We must have a pie. Stress cannot exist in the presence of a pie.”
David Mamet, Boston Marriage    

     The first recipe I made was perfect for this hot weather we are having, and great for summertime! Weight Watchers Lemonade pie! Yes, it was fantastic and I didn't feel guilty about eating it! I had one piece, no more!
Here is the recipe--

This is what the finished product looked like!


Ok, now I have to include one of my favorite breakfast recipes, I love smoothies! I stay full until lunch and I get my fruit and veggies! I like frozen fruit and I can skip the ice! I even throw in strawberries or cherries!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Why do we judge?

     Why are we always the first to judge our own decisions? Or judge someone else's decisions? I don't mean just about our looks, we judge each other on race, religion, skin color, and sexual preference. This weekend we watched Free State of Jones, this movie is incredible. One man stood up and helped change history, and he didn't let anyone stop him. I don't know how many times I cried while watching this. I firmly believe it isn't our place to judge others for their decisions.
     I don't understand the attraction to another woman but I have many friends who are in same sex marriages. They are completely happy and that makes me happy. Do I have to understand their attraction to the same sex? No, I see two people in love and that is what matters. This applies to all things that the world seems to be fighting about. We are all unique but we have one thing in common; we all bleed red. We are all fathers, mothers, cousins, aunts, uncles, friends, and family.

     My picture says " look in the mirror, that's your competition." This is so very true. My challenge from now on is to be a better version of me. If you start judging yourself or someone else, stop and look in the mirror! How do you see yourself?  We all have our own battles, there is no reason to add to anyone else's battle.

     I found another blog today that inspired me for when I am doubting myself, great advice! Check out the whole blog at the link below!

---Blogger Lynn Newman http://tinybuddha.com/blog/5-immediate-and-easy-ways-to-silence-your-inner-critic/
     "If you’re working on something and all of a sudden you start questioning yourself, if you feel your energy decreasing, if you’re getting stuck, bored, or tired, recognize the judge is speaking to you.
     Listen, but don’t take his words to heart. See him so that he doesn’t hang out in a distant corner manipulating you from above.
     Identify him with presence rather than pushing him way. Because what we resist will persist!
     Once you see him, here are 5 immediate and easy ways to respond to your inner critic. It’s so simple that it may seem unrealistic, but it works. Memorize it and keep it close like a mantra.

When your inner critic acts out, say:

1. So what?

So what if you think that? That doesn’t mean it’s true.

2. Who cares?

You think your judgments means something to me? They don’t!

3. Big deal!

Oh seriously, big deal! Really, big f’n deal!

4. Why not?

Why shouldn’t I do this? You’re telling me I can’t? I won’t? I’m not worthy of it? Why not? I’m going to continue doing this anyway, because I can! No matter what you say, I’m going to just keep diving in.

5. What if it doesn’t matter if I am __________________ or not?

     Fill in the critic’s judgment here. For example, what if it doesn’t matter if it’s good enough or not? If it’s weird and people might find me strange?
     What if it doesn’t matter if it shows my talent and I will be recognized by others for it or not?
And even, “What if it doesn’t matter if it’s beautiful or not, because I’m going to keep giving myself permission to keep on painting anyway no matter what you say!”
     Feel how these questions empower you, and whatever you are doing, keep doing it anyway. Keep meeting the dream, the project, your creative expression.
     Keep going, forging ahead, building one block at a time.
The inner judge rarely goes away. As long as we have minds, he will continue to find ways to torture us. But we can identify him and say: “I see you, judge!”
When we identify the inner critic like this, we take away his power and regain our own."

Thursday, June 23, 2016

My Journey is my choice :)

     Yesterday was a long day, maybe because it was Wednesday? Maybe it was because I woke up to a rainy, windy view out my window and I couldn't walk? Or maybe it was a text I got shortly after I woke up. All day I sat and thought about this, I never sent a text back. I had no idea what to say. Later I logged on to Facebook to see post about how It Works Fat Fighters were a scam, from the same person. I still didn't say a word. I took this to bed and woke up with an answer.
     The text basically told me I had to show proof with tape measures, exact places measured on my body, and a video in the same clothes to show weight loss, that they couldn't tell  much difference in my before and after photos etc. I also had to take criticism for "being trapped" into a 3 month deal as a LC to get the BOGO wrap deal. I don't set up the business side of It Works, I sell it but the company makes it's own policies. So after feeling so great for weeks, this kind of hurt because it was from someone I respect.
     Here is my answer----I do not have to prove myself to anyone. I like the wraps and decided to sign up as a DT. This was my choice and I stand by it. I researched this for a few days before I signed up, and I have already read all of the scam reviews etc. Do these products work if you aren't trying to get healthier? I believe they work in conjunction with a healthier lifestyle. I try to drink more water and eat healthier choices. I limit my desserts now, but I still love frozen yogurt!
Do I diet, nope!
Do I walk more, yes!
Do I take the fat fighters everyday, no!
Do I believe the greens help me, yes!
Do I love Thermofit, yes!
Do I believe the wraps work, yes!

     The only person I have to prove myself to is me. I have to prove I can do this, it's my choice. I like who I am starting to see in the mirror . Do I still have a long ways to go, you bet! I have always had a weight problem and I have lost before but I always gain it back. I don't want that to happen this time, it is MY choice to take these products.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Wednesday and role models :)


Good morning!! It is Wednesday and that means we are 1/2 way through the week! Today made me think about role models. We all have them, those people who inspire us to be better. My #1 role model was my grandpa. I talked about him on Father's Day, he was an amazing man. I have many friends who inspire me, each in their own way. I find myself blessed in so many ways. Am I a role model? I hope so, I hope that I teach my kids right from wrong everyday. That I inspire them to reach for the stars, and that nothing is impossible.

     Now for famous ladies....I have 3 who I just absolutely love. Melissa McCarthy, Lucille Ball, and Betty White. Not only are these ladies hilarious, they are all very beautiful. I love to laugh and these girls are great at that! They have all made it in a world where age and beauty are a huge factor. Lucy made it to TV in the 50's with an interracial marriage (not common then) and her show was a success. Melissa McCarthy is so funny and a great role model! She is beautiful at any size but she looks fantastic!! And Betty, well she is just amazing! She goes for great causes, and even has an older actress she is a hoot! Plus she makes old age look fantastic! Who are your role models?

If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning.



Sunday, June 19, 2016

Father's Day

Anyone can be a father, but it takes a real man to be a daddy." - Anonymous

I found this neat article this morning....he sums it up well!

     A good father makes all the difference in a child's life. He's a pillar of strength, support and discipline. His work is endless and, oftentimes, thankless. But in the end, it shows in the sound, well-adjusted children he raises. On Father's Day, much of the world will take the time to appreciate the work of good fathers. While you show your admiration for your own dad, take the time to see if you yourself have what it takes to be a great father, whether you have children or plan to.

     A good father loves his children, but he doesn't let them get away with murder. He strongly disapproves of his children's misdeeds, using tough love to prove a point. He does this through the power of his words, not his fists.
Likewise, a father doesn't reward his children for actions that are expected of them, such as helping with house chores or performing well in school. If his child drops out of school, the father demands that he provide for himself, considering the child no longer wants to invest in his own future.
The rest of the article is here:

I was blessed to be raised by my grandparents. I loved my grandpa dearly! I also miss him everyday, there are times I wish I could just pick up the phone and call him. He taught me how a man should treat a woman, the importance of hard work, and so many more valuable lessons. My favorite memory was my Junior Prom--I didn't have a date and he bought me my corsage. To this day that still makes me cry. He has been gone almost 8 years this year--  Never take time for granted, it's not always guaranteed.

I am also blessed with a great boyfriend. He has stepped up to the plate since day 1 and always been there every day since. I love him so very much! Remember to say "I love you", not just on Father's Day but everyday!

Friday, June 17, 2016

Facing a fear!

     Today I faced one of my biggest fears---I had to talk myself into it but I did it! What did I do?? I wore my first 2 piece bathing suit in public, on a beach. This may sound like a silly fear but for me, it was a huge step! Did anyone laugh at me or point in my direction? Not that I noticed. I was more self conscious than everyone around me. Until a month ago I would have never dreamed my mid section was sexy. Is it completely toned and fit? Nope, and I am ok with that. Why? Because I know I am working on my goals and that it will take time.  I am down almost 10 pounds!! Is this easy, no way but it is so worth it!

     On another positive note, my boyfriend is getting up and walking with me! He also started using Berry Greens every morning! I love that my partner in life is being motivated by me! He is also my motivation. He tells me "Good Morning Beautiful" everyday! 
     What are your fears? Do you have personal body images? I want you on my team, the extra money is nice but that's not my goal. I want to help people feel the way I am feeling, to be the better you, healthy! Let's get you there!! I also made me a Facebook page that has more product info @wrappedupindreams or https://rhagan.itworks.com/ 

Monday, June 13, 2016

Do you??

Do you HAVE?
♦️ Fine lines & facial wrinkles? ➡️Try our FACIAL WRAP along with lifting LIP & EYE CREAM...
♦️ Brittle, thin, and short nails? ➡️Try HAIR SKIN NAILS
♦️ Too short or thinning hair? ➡️Try HAIR SKIN NAILS
♦️ Muscle and join pain? ➡️Try RELIEF
♦️ Fatigue? ➡️Try GREENS & ENERGY
♦️ An alkaline body (pH balanced)? ➡️If not...you need GREENS
♦️ Stress? ➡️If so, you need CONFIANZA!
♦️ Loss of muscle mass? ➡️Then you need NEW YOU
♦️ Cellulite? ➡️Then WRAPS & DEFINING GEL are for you!
♦️ Missing out on prebiotics and probiotics? ➡️Try CLEANSE and GREENS
♦️ Stretch Marks? ➡️Get our STRETCH MARK CREAM!
♦️ Do you get your 8 Fruits and Veggies every day? ➡️If not, you need GREENS!
♦️ Loose skin? ➡️Then WRAPS & DEFINING GEL are for you!
♦️ Do you need improved mental focus and concentration? ➡️CONFIANZA will help you with that!
♦️ Weight gain? ➡️You need THERMOFIT
♦️ Low metabolism? ➡️Try THERMOFIT
♦️ Low energy? ➡️Try GREENS or ENERGY
♦️ Do you eat fatty or high-carb foods? ➡️Try Ultimate FAT FIGHTER
♦️ Do you need a way to help boost immunity and fight off colds? ➡️Try GREENS!
♦️ A healthy, clean colon? ➡️If not our CLEANSE is for you!


Thursday, June 9, 2016

Let's hear your goals!

Today is Thursday! I started my day off with a nice walk around the lake! That's 3 days in a row! I found this article a weeks ago and it is fantastic! I wanted to share this with you this morning! Make a dream board! Do you want a house on a beach? Do you want to lose 30 pounds? Add these to your board! Have a wonderful day!!

Questions About Goal Setting to Ask Yourself

Whether you are trying to move forward in your personal life or your business life, setting goals can help keep you on track. Goals not only give you a target to aim at but help you to refocus when you are no longer sure about why or what you are doing. Asking yourself some questions before setting your goals can help create a straight path to get you to where you want to go.


What Can I Accomplish That Will Make Me Feel Good About Myself?

Tom Mendoza writes in a Forbes article that he believes in setting goals that make you feel good about yourself. His theory is that this both lifts you up and creates a personal feedback loop that ultimately changes your life. You not only begin to act differently, but you begin to carry yourself differently as well.

What Do I Want?

If you haven't reached the goals you have set for yourself in the past, it may be because you weren't certain about what you really wanted. Make your goals as specific as you can. Your subconscious mind works harder to get the results you desire when you use specific goals rather than general ones. If you want to change jobs, decide on a specific type of job you want rather than making a generalized statement that your goal is to simply find a different job.

Why Do I Want It?

Checking in with your own feelings allows you to dig deep and discover why you want to achieve a goal. If you are trying to reach the goal for someone else, it may not be what you truly want. It is often difficult to achieve a goal for someone else, and you may actually find that your goal is not what you really desire. Make a point to be honest with yourself to determine what it is that you really want.

What Is the Time Period to Achieve My Goal?

Self-help and motivational speaker Brian Tracy states that, for a goal to be achievable, it must have a definite start and stop point. As an example, if you wish to lose weight and simply state that your goal is to lose weight, you do not have a measurable goal. When you place the goal into a specific time frame, however, you can measure how you are progressing and re-evaluate what you are doing as you move closer to your goal date.

Why Have I Not Already Achieved My Goal?

Determining why you have not reached a goal in the past is an important step in changing your life pattern. Most people fail at their goal attempts because they lack a skill, body of knowledge or quality within themselves. Once you realize what it is that is holding you back, you can then work to attain the necessary skills, information or knowledge that you need.

Monday, June 6, 2016

My weekly walking log-- 5.21 miles :)

I did it! I had a goal to walk 5 miles last week and I did it! I lost a pound and I feel amazing! I woke this morning to 2 LC's thanking me, they have lost weight as well and feel great! I am feeling fantastic for a Monday :)

I was up at 5:30 AM again this morning--I so wanted to push the snooze button and roll over. Who likes waking up early and leaving the warm comfy space of your bed? I know I have goals to reach so regardless of what I want to do, I get up. It's about the promise you are making yourself!

My promise to myself is that I will get healthier, I will take care of myself. My motivation is the smiling faces of my kids, the very reason I strive to make myself a better person. I cannot sell a product if I myself do not believe in it--I am a customer right along with my LC's. My auto ship runs this week. I keep this on my phone as a reminder of what I am capable of doing.

I am feeling extra motivated today---I broke my 5 miles in a week and knocked almost 30 seconds off of my mile. Because of this I want to give 2 new DT's the opportunity to join my team and get $50 in free products. Yes, on me! What is something you want to try? What are your goals? My page is rhagan.itworks.com copy and paste the link and check it out! For $99 you can join my team, get 4 wraps to sell or keep yourself plus $50 in products to try!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Updated results and challenge accepted!!

     So today is the end of my 72 hours of wrapping! I got a mile walk in and  2 hours of laying on the beach and relaxing!  I normally don't have this much free time but my kids are with their dad for the summer, which is why I chose now to get in shape! I want to help you, I do! I believe in what I sell and I personally use these products! Send me a message and let's get healthy together! Comment below with your goals and let's get you started :)

Let's stay motivated

      The Mayo site has some great info! One of my favorite products is the Greens (I prefer Berry). I gave some of these away as samples to a guest at my online party and she just ordered these! It does give me a bit of energy but I think my favorite thing is the way it helps decrease my appetite. I don't get the jitters or any other negative side effects. My new LC said the same thing! It's great to know you're helping others!




Fitness basics

By Mayo Clinic Staff


Starting a fitness program may be one of the best things you can do for your health. After all, physical activity can reduce your risk of chronic disease, improve your balance and coordination, help you lose weight, and even boost your self-esteem. And the benefits are yours for the taking, regardless of age, sex or physical ability.

The Department of Health and Human Services recommends that healthy adults include aerobic exercise and strength training in their fitness plans, specifically:
  • At least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week
  • Strength training exercises at least twice a week
Regular exercise can help you control your weight, reduce your risk of heart disease, and strengthen your bones and muscles. But if you haven't exercised for some time and you have health concerns, you may want to talk to your doctor before starting a new fitness routine.
When you're designing your personal fitness program, consider your fitness goals. Think about your fitness likes and dislikes, and note your personal barriers to fitness. Then consider practical strategies for keeping your fitness program on track.
Starting a fitness program is an important decision, but it doesn't have to be an overwhelming one. By planning carefully and pacing yourself, you can make fitness a healthy habit that lasts a lifetime.

--------Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule--------

     Are you looking to ease into getting in shape? This 12-week walking schedule from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute can start you on the path to better health. But before starting this walking plan, talk with your doctor if you have serious health issues, or if you're older than age 40 and you've been inactive recently.

WeekWarm-upBrisk walkingCool-down
15 minutes5 minutes5 minutes
25 minutes7 minutes5 minutes
35 minutes9 minutes5 minutes
45 minutes11 minutes5 minutes
55 minutes13 minutes5 minutes
65 minutes15 minutes5 minutes
75 minutes18 minutes5 minutes
85 minutes20 minutes5 minutes
95 minutes23 minutes5 minutes
105 minutes26 minutes5 minutes
115 minutes28 minutes5 minutes
125 minutes30 minutes5 minutes

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Why I do what I do

     I looked in the mirror a few weeks ago and just hated what I saw. I did not have a positive body image and I knew things had to change. Who is responsible for this change? Nobody can make you a better person except you. Whether you want to lose weight or wake up with a positive mindset- that choice is yours. I understand how frustrating it is to watch what you eat and exercise and the weight just stays. I have always been a little chubby, even when I was little. I have always had to work harder at staying a healthy weight.
     I was not a believer in It Works 2 months ago. I thought my friend was crazy when she was trying to sell me wraps. I had lost maybe 3 pounds but had lost 1-2 inches from diet and exercise alone.  So I broke down and bought the wraps. After the first wrap I could see some results but I was not super impressed. I waited a few days and did the 2nd one, I did see some results! So after 2 weeks as a LC, I became a DT. I purchased The System and am almost done with my first month! I am down 5 pounds and I finally can look in the mirror with a smile. I still have a long ways to go but I believe I can do this!

     What I have learned so far
1. You have to drink water
2. You HAVE to exercise and eat healthier
3. These products work when used with 1 and 2

What goals do you have? Can I help you reach these goals? Please leave me a comment!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Walking is good for the soul :)

     Today was the first day this week where I could walk outside! I am blessed with a beautiful walking trail a couple miles from our house. Now if the bugs would not be so pesky, thank you rain for the large amounts of standing water. June is full of many goals! I am aiming to walk at least 3-4 times a week, and hopefully get down under 200! I am right at 203 today! I would love to grow my team and add 2-3 DT's  and at least 2 LC's. I would love to help others feel the way I am starting to feel. For the first time in many years I can look in the mirror and be proud of what I see.  Please check out my It Works page, even if you don't want to lose weight there are some great skincare products! rhagan.itworks.com  --this month only my first 3 DT's will get a free gift of choice for $50! Plus I am always here to answer any questions and help you out along the way!

 For $99  the Business Builder Kit* includes:
  • Half size Fab Wrap (1)
  • Defining Gel 1/2 oz. Sample (4 pack)
  • Ultimate Body Applicator (4 pack)
  • #IW Adventure Bracelet (1)
  • Country-specific Business Tools
  • 1st Month eSuite and replicated website free
  • Makes you commission qualified for the month you join
  https://rhagan.itworks.com/join/Pack/ ---CLICK HERE!!

This is the view on my walk, it is so beautiful!

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Updates this week

So I am on the end of week 3, I have did the cleanse and feel amazing!! My opinion of the cleanse is that it gave me a ton of energy, it's "white pants approved", and that I do think it worked. As for the taste, it took me  at least 2 bottles to like it, and I did prefer it cold! I use the products I sell, and I believe they work! I have slacked on exercise and am getting up for a walk in the morning! I started at 209 and last week I was down to 203.6! I am so happy with my results....what goals can I help you reach? Do you want longer hair? Do you want to slow the aging process or sleep better? Can I help you with joint relief? We have over 30 products! rhagan.itworks.com is my page. Leave me a message or comment below and I would be happy to respond!

"You cannot dream yourself into a character: you must hammer and forge yourself into one." ~Henry D. Thoreau

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Updates on me!

     Sorry I was excited to share my promos! I have been busy with Cub Scout camp the past two weeks and bats! It was a blast, if you have boys I highly recommend Boy Scouts! It's a great organization and it teaches them great values. I didn't eat super healthy at all, who doesn't love smores! We got in a lot of walking and I was up at 5 AM to walk 1.5 miles today. I just finished the Cleanse, white pants approved but it makes you pee a lot! I have wanted to be honest with my use of the ItWorks products and I have promised updates. This is me, the real me...no photoshop!! How can I help you reach your goals?

Monday, May 23, 2016

Until tomorrow...join my team!!

What a Monday...it was busy and rainy! To make the day a bit more sunny, I am sharing  this special promotion for new DT's!! Come to my online Facebook party tomorrow night!! Join It Works for $99 and get a free box of wraps from them!!  I would love to help you reach your goals! rhagan.itworks.com

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Good Morning!!

     The sun is shining and it's beautiful outside! I want to start the day by saying "Have a fantastic day!" If you walk 20 minutes or take the stairs you did something to help you! I have my greens and I am feeling great! 

"Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." --Lolly Daskal

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Let's get motivated to walk!

    The weather outside is finally starting to feel more like spring and a lot less like fall. I love my treadmill but I love the fresh air even more! I started on my treadmill with the goal of being able to gradually increase my speed to a slow jog. I do not know about you but after I run I used to feel like I am going to keel over. Not anymore! I set reasonable goals for myself and I also have a reward system.

     Goal 1- Walk for at least 20 minutes 3-4 times a week. Add some strength training-I chose kettle bells and I love them!
     Goal 2- run for 3 minutes at 4.4 mph at least once a workout.
     Goal 3-run for 3 minutes x2 per workout at 4.4 mph.

I finally reached this goal the first of May, my reward was getting my hair cut and colored! I kept it simple and realistic for myself. That's the key, keep it set for YOU! It took me 2 months to reach this goal, a little slower than I thought but that's ok!  Let's do this together! I want to know who is reading my page, can I help you reach your goals? I look back 2 months and I don't want to see that image in my mirror anymore! These are my pictures....the real me! I hate looking at where I started but I love where I am! I look in the mirror and I smile, I still have a ways to go but I can do this!


  • Burns calories
  • Strengthens back muscles
  • Slims your waist
  • Easy on your joints
  • Strengthens your bones
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Allows time with family and friends
  • Shapes and tones your legs and butt
  • Cuts cholesterol
  • Reduces risk of heart disease, diabetes, & more
  • Reduces stress
  • Sleep better
  • Improves mood and outlook on life
  • Can be done almost anywhere
  • Requires no equipment
  • AND it's Free

Monday, May 16, 2016

Photo has promised!!

Feeling amazing!! Please visit my ItWorks page rhagan.itworks.com. Leave me a comment and I will respond, I would love to help you reach your goals!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

What a weekend!!

     We took the boys to Scout Camp this weekend and had a blast! The only downfall was the cold toilet seat at 6 AM and the layer of frost on the tents! It was neat to see all of the boy scouts having fun! I was most surprised that my oldest son took to the rock wall and made it to the top! He overcame his fear of heights, I am such a proud mommy!

     Diet this weekend was kind of healthy/heavier foods. I do try to eat moderately healthy and exercise. I sure got my walks in back and worth to camp. I will post pictures and weight results for the week soon. I want to do a 2 week photo on Friday!

     Everyone keeps giving me a hard time about relying on products to help me. I am using ItWorks to help me along with a healthier lifestyle. I get up at 5:30 AM 3-4 times a week and walk at least 2 miles before starting my day. The Thermofit helps to burn a few extra calories and bump my metabolism-I feel  amazing and I see results. The fat fighters are on the way and I will only use them during my heaviest meal of the day. You can't eat 10 cookies and take a pill and still see results. It's about moderation and goals. Set these and you will succeed! I am not craving sweets as much as I was and I get fuller faster, to me this is a great thing! Please feel to check out my page at rhagan.itworks.com. Join my team and become a better you. YOU are already beautiful, let's help you feel that way!