

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

     Last time I wrote about things I was thankful for.  That seems like an eternity ago. A few weeks ago I went to visit my biological father. In my 31 years this was my 3rd visit with him. He was at a nursing home, and that day I spent more time with him than I had my whole life. That day I also became his medical DPOA and with his wishes we agreed not to place a feeding tube in him.  Over the last few weeks, I have visited with his doctor, got his diet changed, and placed him on Hospice care. I visited with him on the phone just last week, and he was trying to say that he was sorry, and something that sounded like he loved all of us kids. Sunday November 18, 2012 was my son’s 6th birthday and the day my dad passed away. Someone asked me how I could be upset over someone I barely knew. My answer is this- I feel that I lost a part of me that I never got to know. He was there when I was born and I have a few pictures with him at the creek when I was a baby. It’s hard to explain this feeling but out of all of this I feel that all things happen for a reason and that when my cousin called it was a hint from someone greater than any of us knows.
     Not all is bad this week as tomorrow I finally get to meet two brothers I have never seen. I am excited, nervous, and scared. Crazy ugh?? I hope everyone takes time to remember the simple things and be thankful. 

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